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It’s been some time since I last reviewed a lubricant 🙂 Also, one who has a fun little something. Melty Lotion Banana, by EXE/Outvision, has banana scent !
Melty Lotion series exist in 3 flavors: strawberry, chocolate, and banana. It has a light smell of it, and a a nice taste of it, has no coloring (thus doesn’t stain sheets), and is safe to swallow. It comes in 100 mL bottles.
Not much to say about the sticker on the bottle, no anime girl, just bananas. However, I didn’t find a picture of the backside of the bottle, so I thought I’d make one the best I could so you can read “made in Japan”:
Now about the lubricant itself: it has a decent gliding performance, but it’s pretty thin and watery just like spit.
I also noticed it dries away rather fast, so I don’t recommend it as sextoy-lubricant unless you simply want some fun licking your onahole or training blowjob on a dildo. Because hey why not pour a few drops of Melty Lotion on the entrance of your onahole and enjoy licking it all, try that on a Bocca Della Verita, or strawberry on the Fuwatoro 😉
Melty Lotion is also a nice addition for sex if one dislikes the taste of genitals or their fluids, or simply wants some fruity touch to it. And since the lube has the taste of banana, and if you trained your skills on an actual banana, you’ll feel on known territory ^^ Maybe Outvision will make lubricants with scents of vegetables, like cucumbers, carrots, pumpkin…
On the taste itself, I doubt there’s actual banana extracts in there but it really has the taste of it, and much more sweet than fruit juice. A bit like banana candy. It’s slightly addicting 😛 Since it’s thin, I had no trouble mixing it up in my spit and swallowing.
Finally, one more thing about the bottle: the opening is very well engineered so that when you hold it “head down”, the lubricant doesn’t flow out. It forms a drop that keeps hanging at the opening. To pour, simply slightly press the bottle and it goes out drop by drop. Good, since it’s not exactly a cheap lubricant.
Melty Lotion Banana
Feeling and pleasure - 7/10
Materials and cleaning - 9/10
Packaging and addons - 4/10
Price - 3/10
While it’s not useful as penetration-lubricant, Melty Lotion banana adds a sweet fruity touch in sexy times or helps different kinds of fantasies involving mouths. It respects the skin and doesn’t stain sheets, it fulfills the expected purpose and I personally like the taste of it. However, the lube is rather expensive: save every drop for special occasions !
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