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Hey everyone ! Today the product that I will review is called “I cup fucking tits” and is made by the well known brand MAGIC EYES. Boobs review are quite lacking on the blog, even though they are crazy popular toys in Japan. I could witness this myself during my last summer trip in Tokyo…
Kaitai Shinsho is yet one of the most realistic product of Magic Eyes featuring 4 layer and including an internal bone structure. Simply put, this product is litteraly a concentrate of technologies aimed to enhance the pleasure of us, perverted user, by improving the sensations and mostly the realistic aspect of the toy. At this…
Back when I was in my last year of highschool, I remember our economy teacher taught us during several courses how innovation was the key to promote new product on the market. Maker can’t keep up producing a product based on the same idea all the time. Otherwise, customer will soon get bored and the…
The Chichikan – Nipple Penetration Onahole (aka “NIPPLE FXXK”) is one of those masturbators made by A-One that prove how wacky the Japanese hentai industry can do ! Oh my, oh my. Take a look at that. The box was kinda bigger than I thought, more difficult to do proper scans. Big boobs really seems…
From RENDS come these boobs, flat-chest A-cup hell yeah ! Fits nice. So you see the size: The material is ok, even if it has some smell after unboxing, What else can I say… I had some fun licking and sucking the nipples (no the taste isn’t great), resting my hands on them during dakisex,…
Touching, groping, kneading, .. and of course paizuri (tit job). so… Love Cloud. This and that But also this (which isn’t very relevant, Rikka has still like a B-cup) Not many oppai choice on NLS, it was “Breast Melon” or “Imouto Oppai 2.5D”. I picked the cheapest one, which actually also allows paizuri. And I…
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