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Hello fellow fappers, I’m AnonymousD, presenting you a new onahole review, Big Lolinco Virgo! Made by MAGIC EYES! Hoo boy! The Sujiman / Lolinco series is a popular one. I have tried one in the past, I think it was this one, but I haven’t reviewed it. I didn’t like it much, it was a…
Back to the roots, and back to a Magic Eyes blowjob product: La Bocca Della Verità aka. the Mouth of Truth, Ochobo Guchi mini version! One golden cow the Magic Eyes staff haven’t milked dry yet are the Mouth of Truth themed onaholes. Starting with the first Mouth of Truth, continuing with lubricant, and a…
Hello fellow fappers, I’m AnonymousD, presenting you a new onahole review, Smooth & Flat Girl’s Laboratory Purutoro Soft! Made by EXE! Ohh, the memories! The original Smooth and Flat Girl’s Laboratory Girl was my very first review on the blog >u<, back in 2015. This is the new and updated version, the “Soft” version. There…
Yahaloo !! It’s been such a while since I haven’t posted anything on the blog, it’s really a weird feeling to come back here after all this time ! Plus, today is very special since I’ll introduce to you a new brand called ONAGAN and that has still never been showed on before. For…
Hello fellow fappers, I’m AnonymousD, presenting you a new onahole review, Puni Viring 1000! Made by G-PROJECT! Time to get back with the loli onaholes! You might remember this one from my older review, Puni Virgin 1000 Fuwatoro, which was the soft version of the same onahole. I threw away that onahole time ago (due…
Guess what guys ~ last month a delivery guy from a very incompetent express company (aka chronopost) came to my house to deliver a BIG and HEAVY package. And guess what was inside ? This cute and adorable piece of loli body ! Yeah of course I wasn’t THAT surprised since I knew it was…
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