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Hello fellow fappers, I’m AnonymousD, presenting you a new onahole review, Louise 11kg! Made by Tantaly! Well, we are back with the big toys! It feels a bit weird to call this one an “onahole”, it falls more in the “sex toy” category since it doesn’t have that Japanese essence, so sometimes I’ll call it…
Hello everyone, I hope you’re all safe and keep having sexual entertainment during these troubled times 😉 Today let’s keep a closer look at one often-praised toy by quality maker TOMAX: the Venus Real, in “soft” version! The Lilith Uterus being a very good toy (even my second favourite), I definitively wanted it’s big sister…
After two weeks of holidays and a short break on my reviews, I’m finaly back on track with this surprising and unique onahole from my favorite brand ever, Magic Eyes. There’s no denial that after having tried so many product from them, sextoys of other companies now truly feels to me like some vulgar pieces of…
Hello hello and welcome on Onahole Review, I’m Akaihebi and today I’m talking about a sextoy of a kind rarely reviewed here: a dildo ! It is worth noting that few dildos are made in Japan, so the best quality products come from western countries. Pride Dildo comes from USA, and the product line includes…
One more new product from Magic Eyes’ “Sujiman Kupa” (“Open My Pussy”) series: Setsuna ! Magic Eyes is well known in the onahole industry as a maker who comes up with awesome ideas (mandrake girl), wacky fetish toys (butts stuck in a wall) and risqué “low-breast-fat” content. Sure Magic Eyes knows it’s business, but how…
By lack of a better introduction, lemme say this: ALICE DAYO ! Oh boy, I’ve been sticking my dick inside onaholes from lots of brands for years, yet this is the very first product from AliceStage I’ve got. AliceStage is a company that has been doing adult products since long, and they gained a solid…
Meat is murder, and Cute Hips DX by A-One Tokyo is the killer of boners. Weighing 1.1 kilograms, this grotesque slab of rubber is a so-called dual hole; this bitch got a pussy, an asshole, and a free-of-charge jizz exit-hole! Welcome, cucks and fappers, to Otaku Apologist’s review of Cute Hips DX Dual-Type Onahole! Before…
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