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Greetings, dear fellow pervs on the internet seeking sexual pleasure with fun toys from Japan! At long last: I’m writing an onahole review! Super intense life year for me but I still kept things afloat behind the scenes. Without further ado, let’s take a look at TENGA’s Booble: Magic Marbles! TENGA is certainly the most…
Masturbation is a fun and healthy pastime, and toys provide a greater variety of sensations or spice up adult games. And so it’s no wonder online sexshops saw a surge in orders as people around the world find themselves under home confinement against SARS-CoV-2. Today let’s take a look at Crystal Mouth, a toy made…
A loooong time ago (6 years!), I reviewed Bangee Shake. Still as of today, this onahole is sold and remains a very decent low-price sextoy. I actually bought a new one to make sure I’d still say this nowadays, and yep I can totally see myself suggesting it to onahole beginners with limited budget. Meanwhile,…
While exploring the colorful world of onaholes, we at Onahole Review also occasionally take a look at different products, including sextoys not made or designed in Japan. In this category: the Reversible Double Stroker Intense Ticklers, by Lovehoney! Packaging So far, I never saw any sextoy designed in the western countries featuring a manga-style illustration…
G-Project. This onahole brand still remains in my top5, with good quality products featuring cute packaging. It’s been some time I didn’t review any of their products, so I picked one of their “Ju-C” series: Ju-C 4U. Packaging For the product illustration, G-Project chose a cute busty schoolgirl lifting up her skirt, made by artist…
Hey everyone ! After playing around with Squamate Hole, I received the hard edition for review, let’s dig in ! Ligre, Ligre, that brand may not ring a bell for you since they’re fairly new in the market, but NLS and otonaJP decided to give it a shot and I think they weren’t wrong. Ligre…
Oh dear, what does this busty lady in light night gown want to tell me with arms crossed ? This mystery is created by ToysHeart and comes from NLS. I’m slightly confused: depending on vendor, it’s a warning about a rotating onahole, it’s a warning to not rotate it or an injunction to rotate the…
Sent to me by the immortal NLS: this very kawaii Japanese ghost onahole made by Hotpowers. Smoking Phantom ! “A little bit more wacky”, I thought. “Why the hell not ?” And so Smoking Phantom got ranked 2nd in the poll #5. And so it happens to be my first Hotpowers onahole too. It’s not…
Hi readers! I hope you like this new video. I was SO EXCITED to use this product because it reminds me of a lovely comic series… This would be a sexy utilitarian gift for any loved one who enjoys dildos AND cosplay! I can’t wait to finally design my adult Chibimoon costume… >:) I hope you like my…
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