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You boot up your Animex, just to see it’s system crashing. Someone tampered with it, and stole your maid hostess app! Quickly, you connect to the Arena in the hope to reclaim your hostess. But what dirty tricks do they have in store? Will you be able to pass the challenges and prevail? Bringing the…
Lately I haven’t kept myself updated about Fap Heroes and their creators, the community, the sources, etc. And by “lately”… I mean 18 months. I hardly ever go on Discord, 4chan’s /h/ , Tumblr pisses me off horribly, Patreon enforces their morals (closes down pages), and porn tubes like xHamster and Pornhub …. monitoring torrent…
Will you be able to fight against the parasite slime and her enslaved girls? Hold on tight, because she won’t go easy on you! Duration 45:55, ⚠ includes loli hentai Download & alt stream (1.66 GB): MEGA
You consider yourself a Faphero Expert? Let’s put your skills to the test! Duration 32:34, ⚠ includes loli hentai Download and alt stream (2.11 GB): MEGA
Tia challenges you ! Do you have enough self control to last until the end ? Take a deep breath, because Bastati and Nanashi didn’t make it easy ! 28:56. Do as you’re told, and try to hold it until the end. Good luck and have fun !! file download (2.2 GB): MEGA
When you wake up, and on top of you there’s a loli succubus, what could possibly happen ? 11:26. Do as you’re told, and try to hold it until the end. Good luck and have fun !!
Submit to the test, and try hold it until the end. You’ll see, the reward is worth the effort 🙂 Good job Reverd ! 36:00. Do as you’re told, and try to hold it until the end. Good luck and have fun !! file download (2.8 GB): MEGA
Ready for a quickie ? Ninza made this short Fap Hero 🙂 No host, no credits, one music track, fast lane to fun orgasm. 4:24. Do as you’re told, and try to hold it until the end. Good luck and have fun !! file download (144 MB): MEGA
The waiting came to an end, Bastati released his newest Fap Hero video: Pendulum ! 1:29:31 of awesome content, great fap hero design, and nice eroge inspiration. Good luck and have fun !!
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