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Hello fellow fappers, I’m AnonymousD, presenting you a new onahole review, Nezuko’s Double Tooth Blowjob! Made by Seiraku Toys! I haven’t watched Demon Slayer, but I have definitely seen some hentai of Nezuko 😏. Seeing her mouth always remembers me of this meme 😂 So since I know we are all eager to stick it…
Little by little, KYO is establishing itself as a noteworthy sextoy maker in the European market. Today, let’s take a look at Bound Kohai, a toy for your oral sex fantasies! Packaging The toy comes in a black box, without any particular illustration aside a “rope” pattern. KYO’s “Bound” line includes the Kohai and the…
Masturbation is a fun and healthy pastime, and toys provide a greater variety of sensations or spice up adult games. And so it’s no wonder online sexshops saw a surge in orders as people around the world find themselves under home confinement against SARS-CoV-2. Today let’s take a look at Crystal Mouth, a toy made…
Back to the roots, and back to a Magic Eyes blowjob product: La Bocca Della Verità aka. the Mouth of Truth, Ochobo Guchi mini version! One golden cow the Magic Eyes staff haven’t milked dry yet are the Mouth of Truth themed onaholes. Starting with the first Mouth of Truth, continuing with lubricant, and a…
Vagina? Mouth? Why not both? Few such products exist all in one, and industry newcomer ONDO understood that’s how they can penetrate the market. Today, let’s take a look at NUPU, a double-sided onahole for twice the fun! Packaging As you know, the packaging and illustration play an important role for Japanese sextoys, and specifically…
Hey everyone, it’s been a long time ! Today I’m back after a long break with a product that was send to me quite a long time ago now from the staff of Motsu Toys ! As you can see on the displayed picture, this time we’ll be talking about a very large and sophisticated…
Hey guys ! Today I’ll introduce to you a new onahole which is an update of the amazing Mouth of Truth, released a few years ago and which is still at this time the most sold onahole by Magic Eyes. The difference is that this time it features a “perorin” molding, which means a shape…
Gather ’round, fellow sexplorers. Tonight we shall take a look at a demonic onahole made by HotPowers. Packaging Blow Job Chio Ane’s original name is “Fera Ma Chio Ane”, where “フェラ” (Fera) is a direct transcription from “fellatio”, “魔” (ma) means demon/evil spirit. So accordingly, the onahole illustration is about a demon that is able…
Hello all once again, I’m WavyTurtle and I’m back after some time with another review. I’d tell you all the story, but it’s already on another blog, so I suggest you look there. I won’t bring it up here. Before I get off topic again, here is an onahole that comes to us from the…
Blowjob, the sexual act of stimulating the partner’s penis by sliding it inside the mouth, and playing with the sensations by creating a suction. As this is one of the most common sexual acts depicted in pornography, it is no surprise onahole makers tried to reproduce it. And so did company Toyslove with My Blow…
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