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Greetings, dear fellow pervs on the internet seeking sexual pleasure with fun toys from Japan! At long last: I’m writing an onahole review! Super intense life year for me but I still kept things afloat behind the scenes. Without further ado, let’s take a look at TENGA’s Booble: Magic Marbles! TENGA is certainly the most…
The country of Japan has long been regarded as the storefront of the future, at the cutting edge of technology and innovative consumer products. While this reputation has been disproved over time by the breakneck development of China, Japan still counts many players at the top of their game. And among those: Tenga. Sextoy makers…
Greetings, hedonists of the world 🙂 It’s been years. Literally almost 7 years since I last used a Tenga product. While the Earth keeps spinning, Tenga simply keeps selling it’s toys, launching here and there a new quality product, a re-edition of the flip hole, the Iroha product line, cool mint versions of the cups…
Higher class product of Tenga: and I’m tired. :s Just take a look at these commercials for the Flip Lite series: Get it ? open lube close use play with buttons to change stimulation when done, open pass through clear water to clean dry close store And this for 70 times, they say. Oh of…
Just wanna a really compact one, to carry around ? No problem, Tenga got disposable holes for this: the Egg series ! And there are so fucking many of them, they even release special editions, like for Christmas or Valentine’s day. Other products too, you can still find the special “cool edition” of their Soft…
Hi, how everybody’s doing zen ? 🙂 As announced in the Tenga Cups review, this new one is about the first reusable toys by Tenga: the 3D series. And they come in different flavors ! Yes, they put them in a “statue-form”, modern art like.. as if you would show them in the open with…
A quick word about Tenga: It’s one of the fastest growing company in the sex toy industry. About 13 000 units are sold in Japan every day. Of the 20% of products sales worldwide, top countries are the USA, Spain and China. And: they got the “super-employee”, who broke twice the masturbation world record with…
Yes, there are like “air cushions” in it. They provide a very nice tight sensation, better that one obtained with elastic material. The internal structure is quite simple yet effective (you see easily on the section view of NLS that it depicts a (simple) vagina, the cushions recreating it’s muscles). Oh don’t worry about the…
This one enables you to “squeeze” the walls to variate stimulation. The internal structure doesn’t differ much from the Deepthroat’s except it has a “ribs-passage” instead of the tightening zone. Overall good but unimpressive. From the same series: Rolling Head (not reviewed) Double Hole (not reviewed)
It’s particularity is the “suction hole”: put your finger on it while inserted to create a nice vacuum. The internal structure consists of ripples, tightening-pass, nubs.. Western friends: pay extra attention to what version you’re buying ! Always look for the “U.S. Tenga”, because the “Japan-standard” edition is about 2/3 girth (which is too small…
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