
Apprentice Succubus’ First Job

Are you prone to wet dreams lately? Yes? Well, we may have found the culprit! Freshly arrived from the demon world, talented yet still clumsy with her powers: Tamatoys takes us on a bedtime journey with the Apprentice Succubus on her first tour in the human world! Don’t let your guard down, as this fiercely…

Dildos, Vibrators & Prostate stimulators

Mantis the Drone

Hello everyone, today let’s take under review Mantis the Drone, a dildo made by Twin Tail Creations! One thing that there’s no shortage of in the western sextoy industry, are dildos. They come in many sizes, shapes, colors and materials, to ravish any user experienced or not. Yet when it comes to fantasy toys, the…


Blow Job Chio Ane

Gather ’round, fellow sexplorers. Tonight we shall take a look at a demonic onahole made by HotPowers. Packaging Blow Job Chio Ane’s original name is “Fera Ma Chio Ane”, where “フェラ” (Fera) is a direct transcription from “fellatio”, “ι­”” (ma) means demon/evil spirit. So accordingly, the onahole illustration is about a demon that is able…


Kimoi Onaho

Hello hello, fellow hentai consumers ! Let’s have a look at Kimoi Onaho, an onahole made by Trance Innovation, a product series by Outvision ! Packaging My oh my. Trance Innovation is a series of products combining an erotic audio CD and a matching sextoy. I unleashed Google Translate onto the story: Foreplay brother just…


Monster Wet Real

Before starting this review, let me wish to all of you guys a happy new year 2017 ! May this year bring you luck, fortune, health, money, a girlfriend, new awesome hentai and fap material or even a 2D hollogram of a cute anime girl ! We’re reaching our heaven mates, so be patient. (robotic dools, VR, stuff…


Gokusai Monster Alraune

Hello everyone, it’s time for a new onahole review πŸ™‚ Today: the Gokusai Monster Alraune, by Magic Eyes ! We at Onahole Review love playing around with products made by Magic Eyes, they never fail to surprise us and the product quality is usually really good ! Their products are not just thermoplastic elastomer penis…


Half-mature Succubus Magical Stick

Hello fellow fappers, I’m AnonymousD, presenting you a new onahole review, Half-mature Succubus Magical Stick! This product was provided to me for review by NLS! Here is the new loli onahole I got πŸ˜† , but this time is a special kind of loli, it’s a succubus! Woahhhhh… the artwork on the box is really…


Calcium The Hole

Deino + Tamatoys = this. P-Please sit tight. Details follow. We at Onahole Review love to crush the boundaries, shooting them with nuclear warheads and salmon cannons, fucking this shit world over for the fun of it, basically teabagging social correctness while shooting lasers from our nipples and shouting “yeehaw” as we pour non-diet coke…


Meiki Eighteen – Dream

Hello fellow fappers, I’m AnonymousD, presenting you another onahole review, Meiki Eighteen – Dream, made by Kokos! MotsuToys sent it to me for a review, so let’s begin! “Eww 3DPD, no hot pervert hentai loli, 1/69!!!!”, is might what a lot of people would say, I do not find myself very attracted to onaholes that…


Fuwatoro Sheep

Hello fellow fappers, I’m AnonymousD, presenting you a new onahole called “Fuwatoro Sheep“, made by PPP! I got this onahole from the PPP Happy Box, and here is the review. I’m not sure if the “official english name” would be “Fluffy Sheep” as written at NLS, or “Soft Sheep”, or “Fuwatoro Sheep”, but since other…