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Hello fellow fappers, I’m AnonymousD, presenting you a new onahole review, Chizuru-chan’s Development Diary Onahole! Made by Tamatoys! This onaho was given to me for a review from a new sponsor, Waifuworld! Please check their site, they’re based in Europe (Germany) and while small, they have a variety of onahole products that will satisfy your…
Ahoy and hewwo everyone, long time no see! In fact.. 9 months since my previous review?! Damn, kudos to AnonD for bringing fresh content on the blog during that time, I did some back office stuff but yeah.. life has it’s twists and turns. Anyway, today let’s take a look at an onahole made by…
Hello fellow fappers, I’m AnonymousD, presenting you a new onahole review, NPG Pure Meiki Ichika Matsumoto Onahole! Made by NPG! Alright, a new Meiki, I haven’t tried many of these but they’re popular for being top tier, let’s check this one out! Packaging And here is the packagi- uhh… Ooh, alright, that’s more like it,…
Greetings, adventurers of the internets! Deep in the blossoming cherry tree forest you went, and after countless hours of walking you finally found her: in a clearing with a mushroom bed, just as the rumours said, the goddess of sexual prowess is there waiting for you. Ara ara, here comes another one~ You already know…
Hello fellow fappers, I’m AnonymousD, presenting you a new onahole review, Niku-Man 2200! Made by G-PROJECT! Meat! This is what we are here for, some nice meat to rub on our meat, and this onahole has a lot of it. Let’s check it out! Packaging Here is the packaging. Damn boya, what a meaty artwork….
Hello everyone, I hope you’re all safe and keep having sexual entertainment during these troubled times 😉 Today let’s keep a closer look at one often-praised toy by quality maker TOMAX: the Venus Real, in “soft” version! The Lilith Uterus being a very good toy (even my second favourite), I definitively wanted it’s big sister…
Hello fellow fappers! I’m AnonymousD, presenting you a new onahole review, Venus Cross! Made by TOMAX! Since ~2012, I wrote a total of 69 reviews so far, and I was a bit dubious if I should have written this one, since it would make them 70! It was a tough decision, but I made the…
Please gather ’round, together we shall take a look at Fuwatoro Mochi, made by PPP! Amazingly it’s been over a year since we last reviewed a PPP product. Sure it’s not the most popular brand out there, but their stuff remain quite noteworthy -and they’re currently quite in the Magic Face boom, iteration after iteration,…
Hey internet people! Today let’s put one of RIDE Japan’s products under the magnifying glass: Bangee Shake Ibocross! Ride Japan has been milking the “Bangee Shake” concept for a while since the original product, notably releasing a hard version of it and a longer Bangee Shake Glans. The product line specializing in those strings spanning…
Hello fellow fappers, I’m AnonymousD, presenting you a new onahole review, Tsuru Kupaa Hina Onahole! Made by KISS-ME-LOVE! Huh, “KISS-ME-LOVE”, first time hearing this maker, let’s see how good his’ products are! 🙂 Packaging Let’s see the box. Contents And the contents of the box: the onahole and a small bag of lube. Product Let’s…
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