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Please gather ’round, together we shall take a look at Fuwatoro Mochi, made by PPP! Amazingly it’s been over a year since we last reviewed a PPP product. Sure it’s not the most popular brand out there, but their stuff remain quite noteworthy -and they’re currently quite in the Magic Face boom, iteration after iteration,…
Hello fellow fappers, I’m AnonymousD, presenting you a new onahole review, Newnew Onahole! Made by PPP! It has been a long time since I didn’t post a review! But here I am back, and with something great this time >u<! Let’s take a look at it first. Packaging Here is the box. Contents And here…
Hey everyone, it’s been a long time ! Today I’m back after a long break with a product that was send to me quite a long time ago now from the staff of Motsu Toys ! As you can see on the displayed picture, this time we’ll be talking about a very large and sophisticated…
Hey guys, I’m Johnny_D, a new contributor author from Asia with member’s of slightly above average size. If you are Asian looking for relevant review, I’m your guy. Anyway, my English and photo-snapping skill (I have a quite old smartphone) are a bit sub-par so I hope you all can bear with me. Without further…
Hello all once again, I’m WavyTurtle and I’m back after some time with another review. I’d tell you all the story, but it’s already on another blog, so I suggest you look there. I won’t bring it up here. Before I get off topic again, here is an onahole that comes to us from the…
Today is very special since I’ll introduce you one of the doggystyle-onahip I’ve been the most curious about since quite a long time now. Made by PPP and provided to me by the kind staff of MotsuToys, this product surprised me in many ways and is now indisputably one of my most favorite hip of…
Hello fellow fappers, I’m AnonymousD, presenting you “I like to wear this cause I am really a pervert“, an onahole made by Outvision! I got this from the PPP Happy Box, and here is the review. AnonymousD it’s back with his lolis from Outvision! And by the onahole’s name and the art, this loli is…
Hello fellow fappers, I’m AnonymousD, presenting you a new onahole called “Fuwatoro Sheep“, made by PPP! I got this onahole from the PPP Happy Box, and here is the review. I’m not sure if the “official english name” would be “Fluffy Sheep” as written at NLS, or “Soft Sheep”, or “Fuwatoro Sheep”, but since other…
Hey guys, introducing another PPP creation: Pero x2 onaho 3rd ! Oh okay NLS made a little mistake in the name, putting “x3” instead of “x2”. This is a kinda cryptic name indeed. Oh well. Packaging ! As you may already know, PPP makes onaholes in collaboration with eroge studios, so players can dive a…
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