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Please gather ’round, together we shall take a look at Fuwatoro Mochi, made by PPP! Amazingly it’s been over a year since we last reviewed a PPP product. Sure it’s not the most popular brand out there, but their stuff remain quite noteworthy -and they’re currently quite in the Magic Face boom, iteration after iteration,…
Damn, I like Japanese schoolgirl uniforms. Hello everyone and welcome back for a new review of a Japanese sex toy, actually an onahole made in collaboration between RIDE Japan and Magic Eyes: Chibiman ! Collaborations between onahole makers happen sometimes, and Magic Eyes has indeed made some over the years. Although in the case of…
Hello everyone ! After a short hiatus here I am, writing about A Taciturn Girl, an onahole made and kindly provided for review by ToysHeart ! Packaging “It’s always the quiet ones”, right ? To illustrate the product, ToysHeart chose a not-very talkative schoolgirl that seems fairly unimpressed about your chit-chat and your peeks at…
The original Open My Pussy! series: Rina used to my very first Japanese onahole back in January 2016. It’s litteraly the product who made me jump head first in that universe and got me addicted to those amazing TPE sleeves and other fantasies. I was highly disapointed though when I had to throw it away…
Hello fellow fappers, I’m AnonymousD, presenting you a new onahole review, Puni Viring 1000! Made by G-PROJECT! Time to get back with the loli onaholes! You might remember this one from my older review, Puni Virgin 1000 Fuwatoro, which was the soft version of the same onahole. I threw away that onahole time ago (due…
Hello hello, fellow hentai consumers ! Let’s have a look at Kimoi Onaho, an onahole made by Trance Innovation, a product series by Outvision ! Packaging My oh my. Trance Innovation is a series of products combining an erotic audio CD and a matching sextoy. I unleashed Google Translate onto the story: Foreplay brother just…
Hello fellow fappers, I’m AnonymousD, presenting you a new lubricant review, G-Project Pepee Nururu Lubricant! Made by G-Project! Another lubricant review, and it has “pepe” in its name! Will it be good? Keep reading to find out! PACKAGING What a cute looking girl on the artwork! I really like when the lubricant bottles have some…
Childhood friends. The people you shared your early social years with. Aside your family, they are the people who know the best where you came from and what you did. And so, they also know a bunch of embarrassing secrets about you. And that’s the experience ToysHeart brings forward with this onahole ! Packaging ToysHeart…
G-Project. This onahole brand still remains in my top5, with good quality products featuring cute packaging. It’s been some time I didn’t review any of their products, so I picked one of their “Ju-C” series: Ju-C 4U. Packaging For the product illustration, G-Project chose a cute busty schoolgirl lifting up her skirt, made by artist…
Hello all once again, I’m WavyTurtle and I’m back after some time with another review. I’d tell you all the story, but it’s already on another blog, so I suggest you look there. I won’t bring it up here. Before I get off topic again, here is an onahole that comes to us from the…
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