- Japanese product name: こざる
Can’t really figure out what the purpose of this one is…
It’s a compact onahole, super compact. NLS speaks about bike grip, and they’re right: pretty much the same size. It’s transparent and the internal structure is groovy, not very deep but tight.
Oh yeah, tight. So tight you:
- hardly push your thing inside (the entrance is badly conceived)
- battle with this piece of **** so that your thing doesn’t slip out and project it miles away
- can’t even manage to have pleasure
The hole’s actual width is one of a standard pencil, and the material is flexible polymer. And the air can’t be pushed out, of course. Let me illustrate what happens…
Maybe cats can use this hole…. maybe. But not humans, oh no. Are you serious, ToysHeart ?!
- Feeling and pleasure - 1/101/10
- Materials and cleaning - 1/101/10
- Packaging and addons - 3/103/10
- Price - 1/101/10
Please no.
Kozaru is not being sold,
but toysheart is still selling it under the new name of
‘warning against the narrow hole’/
Didn’t know about that one, looks like more a weapon than a onahole xDD
You mentioned “weapon” ! True fact: at the very moment you posted your comment, I was reading about this. I take it as a sign: I should get it.
By the way, this is the first time i come here, i was reading a hentai manga using a onahole, i don’t know why but i looked for it on google and find this website xD.
Je me doutais bien que tu es français, je m’exprime assez mal en Anglais donc je voulais juste te dire:
J’ai bien apprécié tes reviews, certains m’ont fait marrer comme les air dolls ou encore ce Kozaru xD
Mon univers se limite aux mangas et aux animes, et peu à ce qui touche au sexe, mais après avoir lu toutes tes reviews en début d’aprem (Oui sa montre à quel point sa a capté mon attention lol) je me dis que sa pourrait être marrant d’essayer un coup plus tard ^^.
Je serais a l’affût de tes prochains articles et désolé pour la langue française si cela dérange ^^”.