Onahole.com joins the onahole market in the United States!

Hello fellow fappers, I’m AnonymousD, presenting you a new onahole Shop! Onahole.com!

Yes, that’s right, another onahole shop, this one is exclusive to the United States. It opened at the beginning of May 2022, and it’s a new shop from one of our sponsors, Motsutoys.com! I was contacted by the owner in April to make a post about it, and I decided to wait for a while so they can get more stock in it, and now that they do, let’s begin.

So as I said earlier, this shop is exclusive to the United States, so sadly as stated in their shipping information page, they do not ship internationally, but I know we get visitors from the United States (in fact, most are from the US ^^), so this is great news for all our fellow readers from the US πŸ™‚

There it is, it has a simple and clean look, I like it. For now, it doesn’t have too much stock, but it has some of it’s best sellers from Motsutoys.com, like Ereshkigal Cherry, Nurse’s Special Treatment, and the Yukari Onahole, and a few others I’ll be posting soon ;).

While for now very few, they do offer a good variety of products, and even slightly cheaper than the EU shop. If you’re looking for a recommendation, I’d go for Ereshkigal Cherry Onahip, if you want a big toy, or if you want a small one, I’d pick the Yukari Onahole or the Kay Onahole. Also don’t forget to grab a lube, get the TYO Lube, is the only option on the site for now, but is one of the best lubes I have tried. I have tried cheaper lubricants from Amazon but none can compare to a good lube designed for onaholes, so I highly recommend it :). If you’re not in the US, please check the TYO Lube post to find a shop for your country.

This is how your shopping cart would look. For 83.90$, you get the Yukari Onahole and a good amount of lube shipped to your door in less than 10 days, as stated in their shipping information page.

I tried adding a few heavy toys to the cart and it seems the shipping is still 15$, so that’s pretty neat! It will go up at some point eventually I guess, but I doubt you’d be buying that many onaholes at once (or would you? 😏)

And, since their warehouse is in the US, you have 0 worries about customs, something which I value the most since customs is the worst nightmare for me.

So that’s about it, I hope we can see Onahole.com grow into a big shop and offer many more onaholes!

If you have bought from them, please share your experience here! Stuff like shipping times, packaging, and overall experience would be good to know for everyone πŸ™‚ , thanks!

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1 Reply to “Onahole.com joins the onahole market in the United States!”

  1. Narumi is already sold out it seems…

    Also with how huge she is, I can see why she’s being sold at $400 USD everywhere…

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