Onatsuyu ~ Female Nectar Lotion

While I keep testing the new stuff, short review about the “accessories” got months ago, like this lube.

The best onahole is worth nothing without proper lube. The choice of the lube isn’t as easy as one may think at first. 370 mL bottle with cone shape for easy pouring in onaholes (and that’s what this lotion is for), almost no smell, good lasting lubrication but easy to clean with clear water. Made in Japan by ToysHeart.

Close attention is needed for lubes used for onaholes, because if the lube is too sticky it lowers the stimulation of the onahole structure, and if it isn’t sticky enough it spills out and does a mess. Matter of fact, Onatsuyu is an excellent standard. One more thing: most onaholes come with a little bottle of lube, in the case of ToysHeart it’s a 20 mL bottle (enough for 2-3 times) but the content is pretty similar (same lube ?).

How long does this kind of bottle last ? I can say: at least 30 times. Since I’m using different lubes too, my year-old bottle is only half-empty 😉 Maybe I just don’t want it to be empty too quickly..  Only real downside: the opening gets a little messy because the lube is so stringy.

Onatsuyu ~ Female Nectar Lotion
  • 10/10
    Feeling and pleasure - 10/10
  • 9/10
    Materials and cleaning - 9/10
  • 8/10
    Packaging and addons - 8/10
  • 10/10
    Price - 10/10


Top-class lube

User Review
3.63 (19 votes)

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22 Replies to “Onatsuyu ~ Female Nectar Lotion”

  1. I noticed more recently they have different art. Compare what you still see here to the listings on OtonaJP/Naughty Nippon, Amazon, and Toy Demon: same uniform, but different face, no visible nipples, and she has her arms blocking her crotch, instead of lifting up her skirt to display her panties.

    Just curious if anyone knows more about it. Is it a redesign they made recently so it can be more widely sold or whatever, or was it actually around for a while alongside? I see the listings at J-List, Kanojo Toys, and Motsu Toys still show the more erotic art. Does anyone know if the bottles sold through those shops actually still have that version, or are they all changed and those stores just haven’t updated their photos?

    1. By now I guess all stores have liquidated their bottles with old design even if they didn’t update the product pictures 😉
      Understandably a choice of ToysHeart for a more contemporary character design but also a tad less lewd so it doesn’t get blurred invisible on Amazon I guess

    2. I’ve emailed Kanojo Toys about it recently, and KT (Brian) confirmed that the ones they have are the newer version. Seems they haven’t updated their photos yet.

  2. While is lube is amazing it dose not seem to have the “scent of a female” like advertised. It actually seems to be odorless. But after im done with use of my onahole it dose give off a very very feint spicy odor that somewhat resembles that “scent of a female” but im not sure.

  3. Bought this June 2nd and its still half full. Its amazing! My previous product only lasted me for about half a month and it was priced at the same value.

    This also feels way more amazing and it’s not messy either. I’m sticking with this from now on.

  4. Is it good for fellatio onaholes? I have one, as well as this lotion, but I have literally no experience besides this, so have nothing to compare with.

  5. This is probably a silly question but can you use this lube just for regular hand masturbation as well?

  6. Can other water based lubes like KY and Trojan be used for onaholes? I only ever see people suggest Japanese lubes, so i’m a bit curious.

  7. If you are looking for a lube for you onaholes, then a 375ml bottle of Onatsuyu would be a good start. Since a single onahole session only uses up a drop (or two at most), it will last for a while.

    Compared to something like Passion Lube, Onatsuyu is somewhat more viscous. Meanwhile, it does not feel as oily as Astroglide (however, Astroglide is water-based, just like Onatsuyu and Passion Lube). Last, but not the least, Onatsuyu is odorless.

    One minor source of inconvenience, if an onahole session takes more than a few minutes: you may need to apply more lube, because the lube will lose its water content through evaporation it is heated by you body temperature.

    If you are a frequent Amazon.com shopper, one way of saving some money is to place Onatsuyu into your wish list, then just check how the price fluctuates over time, as Onatsuyu is sold by 3rd party vendors, each with different price offers. (This also applies to onaholes.) Do not place an order right away. Warning: if a merchandise is not on consignment (consignment = Amazon.com handles transactions and shipment on the 3rd party vendor’s behalf), be sure to review the seller’s information. For example, if a 3rd party vendor is from Japan, an order may take a month or more since the merchandise is shipped from Japan.

        1. According to Toysheart, Onatsuyu is compliant to Ministry of Health guidelines but for use on skin only. It may be okay for anal or vaginal use, but they don’t recommend drinking it. So for oral use… better no 🙂

  8. Is this stuff water based? It seems like the best value as far as how much you get for $15 compared to other bottles of lube in that price range.

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