The depicted characters presented in this page as choosen by product makers are purely fictional illustrations of aesthetic artwork complying to Japanese legislation.
In no way they imply, suggest or promote sexual abuse or harm of human beings.
If such illustrated packaging is forbidden in the buyer's country or if the buyer doesn't wish to receive it, the selected vendors can ship products without the illustrated packaging upon request during order.
If you or someone you know is/was a victim of sexual abuse, the Rape, Abuse, & Incest National Network (RAINN) has resources that can help.
You’re a poor and lonely fisherman fishing for his own daily meal. You expected to find tuna in your nets, yet you found two soft and cute creatures. Not a bad day after all, you take home these creatures from the depths to “study” them more…
- Japanese product name: C-moon 水棲娘ホール vol.2
Got C-moon, the ribby one. First thing to note is the packaging: unlike any other toy, these are blister packs. You may know this little “life hack” to easily open a blister pack, just use a can opener. Properly slit open 3 sides, and here you go. Put these scissors down 🙂
From the inside, C-moon looks like this:
Multiple little ribs in 3 chambers which offer a noticeable vacuum effect. The material is very soft, even more than Bubble Shake, you stroke gently and you get a strange light stimulus. A bit like you don’t want her to wake up…
That’s all right as long as you want it to last, but when it comes to orgasm a little more stimulation would be welcome. What I do ? I quickly switch to Hunter Girl just before cumming -literally ramming in (and since C-moon increases the pleasure slower than Hunter Girl, the resulting orgasm is pretty strong -you know: the faster you come, the weaker it is).
The blister makes the storage a bit more complicated, the smart solution is to take out the illustrations, throw the blister away and store the onahole in a toy bag 😉
Squid & C-moon series
- Feeling and pleasure - 5/105/10
- Materials and cleaning - 6/106/10
- Packaging and addons - 8/108/10
- Price - 7/107/10
Soft, very soft and cute and nice
Honestly, would give this one a few points lower on feeling and materials. When he says soft he really does mean super soft, almost like meringue. Inner lining also starts to flake a little after multiple uses. Still, if you like a softer change of pace it’s worth checking out.