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A rope ! A rope made for sexy games commonly called “bondage”. And since Japan is very famous for it’s bondage tradition, it happens I got interested in this too.
Japanese product name: 縄-早乙女流
Choose your favorite color: black or red. Then, please follow the guidelines:
Note: the rope is actually longer (little over 9 meters), big western people shouldn’t have to worry and it’s better to have too much than too less. Gentlemen: at step 3, just pass the two ropes between dick and balls, it feels nice and doesn’t hurt or harm. Because of the obvious lack of boobs on men, the “web” on the front isn’t totally perfect and doesn’t tighten well (tends to slide down).
The awesome result:
(don’t laugh, nobody makes it right on the first time)
The rope is smooth and doesn’t cut in the flesh or burn the skin, was pretty fun to do even if I had to wipe the few precum drops from the floor.
Remember this pic ?
Well, add the rope to it, blindfolds and furry handcuffs. And a spicy tsundere girlfriend, of course.
Packaging is simple and “girlfriend-friendly” if she’s not already corrupted into bondage.
Rope Saotome flow
Materials and cleaning - 9/10
Packaging and addons - 5/10
Price - 7/10
What would be bondage without a rope ? Get started with this one 🙂
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Haha Love the review picture. Mad props to you man xD
Seriously, I’m not expecting this kind of review. lol
Ughhhh.. bondage a myself.. no thanks, I’d rather do that to a girl.
And get a girlfriend? How in the hell you do that!