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CONTROVERSIAL CONTENT WARNING: lolicon artwork The depicted characters presented in this page as choosen by product makers are purely fictional illustrations of aesthetic artwork complying to Japanese legislation. In no way they imply, suggest or promote sexual abuse or harm of human beings. If such illustrated packaging is forbidden in the buyer's country or if the buyer doesn't wish to receive it, the selected vendors can ship products without the illustrated packaging upon request during order. If you or someone you know is/was a victim of sexual abuse, the Rape, Abuse, & Incest National Network (RAINN) has resources that can help.
Suzumiya Haruhi no YuΓ»tsu. One of the most popular anime series had to be parodied. Along with the immense quantity of doujinshis with -of course- hentai stories, …Β onaholes.
“Haru Nyan Mini”, it’s called. Nobody can explain why “Nyan”, no cats here, not even nekomimi (cat ears).
Old times, I bought all three of ’em.
Mini, ’cause they are 9 cm long (3.5″).
All three of them are tiny, very tiny and short, resulting in a quite shallow insertion (even less for western people). They are more elastic than tight, making the strange sensation you’re actually fucking a big piece of chewing gum. The internal structures of both Yuki and Mikuru could have sense in onaholes twice as big, but this tiny it just stretches and you feel NOTHING. Haruhi doesn’t lack this since it’s just bumps, and they you can enjoy.
While the ending hole makes it a bit more convenient to clean, the big counterpart is that now it can’t suck. To “create” suction you have to clog the hole (with the finger..), and it’s still weak.
Your great luck is that they doesn’t seem to be sold anymore. Unless you wanted them for the packaging, which is undeniably a good point (at this state quite much could have been acting positive). Haruhi wins here again, playfully kawaii.
Also they get “oily” something like this, sweating. Is this material safe ?..
If you do like parody toys but also like better quality, head over the “Can’t be this tight” series.
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