
Devil Blow Job 2 -Ayaka Tomoda-

Hello fellow fappers, I’m AnonymousD, presenting you Devil Blow Job 2 -Ayaka Tomoda- , an onahole made by KMP. NLS sent it to me for review, and here it is. I think it’s the first time I buy an onahole made by KMP, and I’m not disappointed. Also, it’s my first time buying an onahole…


Maid in Fella

“My mouth ? Sure yes, goshujinsama !”, as your maid bends forward and welcomes you in her wet mouth. ToysHeart with a fellatio-onahole for all masters out there, and provided by NLS ! Maids. A traditional fantasy in otaku culture and the main theme of hundreds (thousands ?) meidocafes in Japan where you can enjoy…


Her Small Mouth

This is Her Small Mouth ! Of the cute catgirl, lovely made by N.P.G  πŸ˜› Bleeeh πŸ˜› πŸ˜› πŸ˜› Screw you N.P.G, for this cute packaging ! I bet you knew that in most of my fantasies there’s a need for , even when it , or !  Oh damn, but this packaging… Do want, do want, DO…


Superb Fella 3

You guess there are “Superb Fella” 1 and 2: Improvements. The packaging is pretty good, even if I’m not really into busty women. Comes with a little bottle of lube. The material is good and the overall structure is well conceived. The onahole is heavy, cheap shipping overseas can be a bit more tricky. Let’s…


Fera Zoma

A blowjob onahole. You see the “mouth-form”, right ? It is an evolution from a previous one, “Fera Master”. Greatly improved, actually. ToysHeart has some amazing history. On insertion, your thing gets nicely wrapped between a ribby top and a rough bottom (with the sort of tongue). The more large part at the ending has…


Shakuhachi Musume Oral Pump

Oops, looks like it’s time to review this item ! Such sick perverts at ToysHeart.. and such sick perverts those who buy this πŸ™„ So, this isn’t an onahole.. it’s a penis pump. A bit special fellatio-pump. So, now that you saw how it works, let’s talk about it. You’re supposed to lube the thing,…