Hello fellow fappers, I’m AnonymousD, presenting you Devil Blow Job 2 -Ayaka Tomoda- , an onahole made by KMP. NLS sent it to me for review, and here it is.
- 🇯🇵✈🚢💰 OtonaJP
- 🇯🇵✈💰 KanojoToys
- Japanese product name: 鬼フェラホールII 舌技 友田彩也香
I think it’s the first time I buy an onahole made by KMP, and I’m not disappointed. Also, it’s my first time buying an onahole with real life box art, instead of the usual Hentai/Anime art. I never really paid much attention to that type of onaholes because I find Hentai art more appealing, but in the end, it’s the onahole that matters, not the packaging 😛
Let’s take a look at the box art:
As you can guess, this onahole is based on the Japanese porn actress, Ayaka Tomoda, and probably most exactly on this movie: http://www.javlibrary.com/en/?v=javliibt4i. This onahole might go well with some of her movies, so you can fantasize getting a blowjob from a hot pornstar 😀
Anyway, here is what you see when you open the box:
I kinda got turned out when I saw that amazingly shaped mouth inside that plastic bag… yeah, I guess I have some sick fetish 😈
Comes with a bag of lube… not a bottle so well, it’s just ok.
And right after I opened the bag, that is the first thing I noticed… my onahole got a factory defect on her tongue :/. It sucks because one of the strongest aspects of this onahole it’s her looks, it’s a very, VERY beautiful mouth. Inside the bag it’s covered with talc, so I’ll go wash it.
Ok, I’m back, after I washed it and french kissed for 5 minutes, here a few shots I took (and a video)! Fist your eyes on this beauty!
Onahole Photos.
It has a few gaps were you can place your fingers, I don’t really see it necessary, and I place one of the fingers on the chin because it feels more comfortable.
Her teeth look nice, they don’t appear they’re gonna get ripped, and they’re very soft, it’s just a very good visual detail owo.
Inside my drawer of onaholes, it’s the one that stands out the most.
And a small video:
Now, how does it feel? Pretty good I’d say! Although, it doesn’t feel much like a blowjob, but rather like a “mouth pussy”, that’s a term I heard in Hentai and I think it explains it very well, haha. The onahole doesn’t have any suction, and I think it’s because of the tongue, where it may look very beautiful, when you penis is inside, the tongue sticks out, letting the air escape. One thing that I like to do, is put lube on the tongue and lubricate the tip of my penis with it for the first insertion 😀
Here is what the inside structure looks like:
The point where you start to feel the rubbing is at the middle and all the way until the end, the tongue is just for teasing, you won’t feel much there. The, throat, technically part of the mouth and the throat, but we will just call it throat, feels very good. The ribs are a little bit too hard for my taste, and it gets tighter and harder the further you go inside the throat, giving you a hard stimulation, although I would have preferred a softer one for a blowjob onahole.
Here a few shots (and another video) testing it.
One bad aspect to point out, it’s the noise. I think most blowjob onaholes are noisy, and this is not exception. It depends on the lube, the way you trap the air, and the way you stroke the amount of noise you will make. In this video I recorded what I think it’s the max noise possible, I do not recommend using it when there is a person on the next room or maybe inside the house.
Warning! Dick video.
You might wanna reduce the volume.
As for cleaning, it’s very easy, you just put your fingers inside under a stream of water and it gets cleaned very fast, easier than standard vagina-type onaholes. The onahole looks durable, and I’m surprised that the teeth don’t look like they’re gonna get ripped easily, so the onahole won’t lose it’s beautiful shape.
In conclusion, I’d say it’s a good onahole, mostly for her looks and nice feeling, but lacking the suction aspect of a blowjob onahole disappointed me, it does not feel very different than regular vagina-type onaholes.
That was all, expect two more reviews from me very soon!
Devil Blow Job 2 -Ayaka Tomoda-
- Feeling and pleasure - 6/106/10
- Materials and cleaning - 10/1010/10
- Packaging and addons - 7/107/10
- Price - 8/108/10
Looks good, but feels like a pussy, not like a mouth.
What lube would you recommend for this hole?
Another amazing review! Though i kinda wish the video of you using it was longer. 🙂
Thanks for your comments, will have that in mind for the next reviews. I wanna record using Sakura the small idol http://en-nls.com/pict1-43167?c2=9999 altough I wanna use both hands and it is very difficult to record like that ^^’
I wanna see a review of that badly. One of the few hip onaholes without a jarring flat part
I made the review 🙂